Create the Perfect Fit - Know What Size to Buy before You Go Shopping.
Every time we shop for jewelry online, we meet a dilemma, how to choose the right size. We decided to help you. Here we have prepared a very comprehensive step by step guide on how to select the proper size for jewelry and be sure it will work just right for you.
The surest way to select the correct size is by measurement. It will take just a few moments, but this is the only one reliable way to do.
Necklace measurement must be based on desirable length of chain.

How to choose the right necklace length for you?
Collar 12”-14” (approx. 30,5 – 35,5 cm). It sits tight around neck. The trendiest length for necklace.
Choker 15”- 16” (approx. 38,1- 40,5 cm). It sits on base of the neck. The most popular length for necklace.
Princess 17”-19” (approx. 43,2 – 45,7 cm). On the collarbone. It’s the most optimal length for any kind of necklace. The perfect length for a gift.
Matinee 20”-24” (approx. 50,8 – 61 cm). The length between collarbone and the bust. A great length for thicker chains, small pearl or beaded necklaces. Not recommended for dainty chain necklaces because the chain will easily tangle.
Opera 25”-37” (approx. 63,5 – 94 cm). It will sit between the center of the bust and stomach.
Rope 38”-60” (approx. 96,5 – 152,4 cm). It will sit between the middle of the stomach and the top of your thigh.

If you want the same length necklace as you already have, please:
– Open your chain and remove any charms or pendants.
– Carefully place on flat surface and measure with a measuring tape or ruler from clasp to jump ring.
– Write down your measurement.
If you want a new necklace length, please use a measuring tape. If you don’t have a measuring tape, please use non-stretch ribbon (string) and then measure with ruler:
– Wrap your neck with tape
– Put together on neck the beginning of tape and the rest of it at the spot you want necklace to sit.
– Make sure it is not too tight and you feel comfortable.
– Write down measurements.
If you cannot make proper measurements, then we would recommend you to get 18” (46 cm)- 20” (51 cm) long necklace. It will never be tight and sits beautiful.
Chain Bracelet/Anklet Measurements